Day: April 10, 2023
📰 Tilray to Buy Hexo in $250M Deal, Bnn Bloomberg TV Says $HEXO $TLRY
Tilray to Buy Hexo in $250M Deal, Bnn Bloomberg TV Says $HEXO $TLRY
📰 $AMZN Starts Charging for Some $UPS Store Returns: Information
$AMZN Starts Charging for Some $UPS Store Returns: Information
📰 Winklevoss Twins Said to Lend $100 Million to Gemini Platform
Winklevoss Twins Said to Lend $100 Million to Gemini Platform
📰 FTC Staff Seeks Order to Prevent Ice, Black Knight Deal Close $BKI
FTC Staff Seeks Order to Prevent Ice, Black Knight Deal Close $BKI
📰 CFTC Orders Goldman to Pay $15M for Swap Standards Violations $GS
CFTC Orders Goldman to Pay $15M for Swap Standards Violations $GS
📰 USPS Proposes Price Increases to Keep Up With Inflation $UPS $FDX
USPS Proposes Price Increases to Keep Up With Inflation $UPS $FDX