Week of October 31, 2022

BullishBullish Bullish
HalloweenFirst Trading Day in November
Dow Up 9 of Last 12
FOMC Meeting
(2 Days)
Daylight Saving Time Ends on 11/6

“October has killed many a bear;
Buy techs and small caps and soon wear a grin ear to ear.”

Midterm election year Octobers since 1950:
#1 Dow (2.6%), #1 S&P (2.7%) and #2 NASDAQ (3.1%)

October is a great time to buy. Big October gains 5 yrs 1999–2003 after atrocious Septembers.

Market Charts of Midterm Election Years

Based on Dow Jones Industrial Average monthly closing prices

“Known as the jinx month because of crashes in 1929 and 1987, the 554-point drop on
October 27, 1997, back-to-back massacres in 1978 and 1979, Friday the 13th in 1989 and the
meltdown in 2008″